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Hosted Parties, Womens Groups & Book Clubs


Book lovers are such terrific and distinctive people – embracing, committed, passionate. They are wonderfully warm and incredibly thoughtful. They’re interested in connecting and interacting. In hearing about the deeper level in the writing process. And wanting to share in the personal stories we all have to tell. 


Over the last few months while I’ve been on tour, some fantastic folks including lit lovers, social seekers and those who thrive at throwing parties, have graciously hosted me at their homes, in restaurants, and at event spaces. There were evening shindigs, literary luncheons, Sunday brunches, cocktail happy hours, and afternoon teas, to name a few. Done in an intimate setting, and usually including 20-50 people, friendships were formed, and the conversations were never dull. 


These events are one of my favorite parts of touring. The connections that are made and the community that is built from these happenings is always thoughtful. They’re rich with good intentions, reflect a generosity and appreciation for the written word, and for coming together while being part of something different and interesting. 


Some organizers were interested in a reading and Q&A, others enjoyed a free-flowing discussion or fireside chat spearheaded by the organizers. Others had existing book groups or were part of womens groups and asked me to be speak at those that. Book purchases and signings followed.


Below are some highlights of hosting experiences.

If you’re interested in organizing an event, please reach out. I’d love to hear from you.

High Tea - Philadelphia


Book Club -  New York


Evening Cocktails & Nibbles - Connecticut

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Dinner Party & Conversation at Ambra -  New York

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Brunch at Ainslie - New York


Have Alix Join You


If you'd like Alix to participate in your book group discussion, either in person, by phone, or internet video conferencing, please email her at

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